
Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America. It occurs in some form every 79 seconds. And nefarious minds are dedicated to the discovery of new methods for its commission. The same technological advances that make communication easy and instant have torn our identities from us and turned them into “objects” that can be stolen and misused.

What if a male law firm partner hijacked the identity of a female associate? What if he used email impersonation and electronic forgery to set her up as the mastermind of an illegal scheme? And what if she was ultimately framed for murder as a result of his actions?

Wearing the Spider, a debut legal thriller by Susan Schaab, explores these possibilities.


A Thriller About Identity Thiefdom

The Devil Wears Prada in legal technicolor. A smart, thoroughly enjoyable tale.”
–Liz Smith, New York Post Columnist & New York Times Bestselling Author – From America’s Most Beloved Gossip Columnist.

“Imaginative, suspenseful and well thought out, Wearing the Spider is a mystery thriller that readers will find hard to put down.”
–Shirley Roe, Allbooks Review.

“…a story that grabs the reader by the throat from the first paragraphs…Wearing the Spider is truly a novel not to be missed.”
–Annie Haws, Euro-Reviews.

“…confronts us with some of the horrifying truths of our computer age world.”
–Ross Malde, TCM Reviews.