
Susan Schaab

Five-Star Review

This high-tech thriller’s plot is a unique look at an under-reported type of
identity theft – theft of reputation and credibility within the professional
workplace. The lead character, a dutiful lawyer working her way to
partnership in a New York law firm, is targeted it seems because she is
well-respected in her firm and thus would not ordinarily have her actions
closely scrutinized. Add, to her established competence, the fact that she
is not as likely to “make waves” within the firm because she opted not to
report an incident of sexual harassment, and you have the perfect scapegoat.

At first, she is plagued by maddening office recordkeeping errors and wrong
emails until she realizes that someone within the firm seems to be
sabotaging her work. But, is she right or is this just an annoying patch of
serendipity in the busy life of a senior firm associate? Even when she
becomes more certain she’s being targeted for some type of sinister scheme,
can she prove her suspicions? Her firm appears ready to fairly hear her
suspicions, but will they do the right thing?

The dialogue is especially good. It’s not only believable, but entertaining
and effective at developing the characters. I really felt I knew them by the
end of the story and I became emotionally involved in their plight. The
romantic subplot was realistic, but was refreshingly pure. I could easily
see these characters on a movie screen. This novel is an intriguing read on
every level.